News article, 31. March 2022
Latest statistics: carbon footprint in Danish pig production
The latest statistics from SEGES provide details of the carbon footprint from Denmark’s pig production.
The Danish pig sector’s goal is to supply pigs of the highest quality, which is why the sector constantly strives to maintain a high standard of animal welfare, food safety, traceability and sustainability. But where does Denmark stand in relation to greenhouse gas emissions and its pig production? The latest statistics from SEGES provide details of the carbon footprint from Denmark’s pig production.
The Danish pig sector is well balanced in relation to exports and production, i.e. in terms of reducing emissions of nitrogen, phosphorus and ammonia. Since the 1980s, Denmark’s pig sector has achieved remarkable success in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from pig meat production.
Reduction in greenhouse gases from 1985-2019
Figures from SEGES Pig Research Centre show that from 1985 to 2019, emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus were reduced by over 50 % per kg of Danish pig meat produced. At the same time, ammonia emissions from Danish pig production were reduced by over 70 per cent.
Source: SEGES, Danish Agriculture & Food Council.
CO2 emissions from Danish finishers – from birth to slaughter
Supplying world class pig meat demands that the Danish pig meat sector is focused on a number of parameters throughout the production chain. The updated figures show the distribution of CO2 emissions throughout the Danish pig production chain – from birth to slaughter in 2020.
Read also: New Danish trial: regular slurry discharge can reduce the carbon footprint of Danish production
Calculations for pigs based on the PEF (Production Efficiency Factor) calculation method. Relative distribution is expressed as a percentage. Source: SEGES, Danish Agriculture & Food Council.
Solutions to global climate challenges must be found across national borders
The distribution of the carbon footprint in Danish pig production is one parameter, but not the only criteria that the Danish pig sector focuses on to solve the current global climate challenges. The Danish pig sector has called on the entire agriculture and food sector to work together across national borders to find common solutions to the current global climate challenges.
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