Genetically modified organisms may contribute to increased sustainability through the characteristics they add. For example, through the adding of a gene that will make a crop resistant to pests that could otherwise destroy the harvest and where it will then be possible to reduce the use of pesticides.
Genetic engineering is a technology that can be used to transfer genetic characteristics from one living organism to another. The genetic characteristics, the genes, sit like pearls on a sting on the DNA molecule that forms the chromosomes. All living organisms contain genes and DNA. With genetic engineering you transfer one specific gene from one organism to another. The genes are drawings for the production of proteins. You can therefore say that through genetic engineering, you move the template for the picture of a certain protein from one organism to another just as if the drawing for the manufacture of a certain nut is moved from one engineering workshop to another.
What does the law say about GMOs?
Genetically modified food must be clearly labelled for the consumers to be able to deselect the products. Genetically modified organisms or products that are made from these cannot be marketed in the EU unless you have been granted marketing permission in each single case. Decisions about marketing permissions are made based on a very thorough risk assessment performed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Marketing permission is only granted if you have reached the conclusion that there are no health risks for humans or animals or the environment.
Neighbours to GMO fields may be compensated
You are only allowed to farm genetically modified crops when specific rules for co-existence have been determined. The co-existence rules ensure that undesired spreading of pollen is avoided from a GM crop to a non-GM crop. The co-existence rules also ensure that farmers, who suffer a loss due to GM, are compensated.
Read more about genetically modified organisms:
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration

Carbon footprint
Annual statistics, animal welfare, quality assurance, sustainability and much more.
Read more about Carbon footprint
The release of phosphorous per kg pork has been reduced by 50 per cent in Denmark since 1985.
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Annual statistics, animal welfare, quality assurance, sustainability and much more.
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