Danish pigs are fed feed mixtures adjusted to their age and need with a view to nutrients and energy. However, the greater part of the pig feed consists of ordinary wheat and barley.
The main ingredients in Danish pig feed are barley and wheat. In addition to this, it contains soy and rape in order to add extra proteins to the feed. Vitamins and minerals are also added to the feed. However, also many other raw materials are used in the feed, such as e.g. rye, oats, maize, fishmeal, potato protein, skimmed-milk powder, molasses, fat, sunflower seeds, whey etc.
Sows, piglets and slaughter pigs need different food compositions and are therefore fed different feed mixtures.
Suckling pigs start with milk
Suckling pigs only get milk from the sow in the first weeks of their lives. After 14-16 days, they can start to digest other feed and can eat dry feed as a supplement to milk from the sow.
The piglets are fed a special gentle feed mixture
After weaning, the piglets are fed special piglet mixtures that are adapted to their needs for nutrition and energy. Many start with a particular gentle mixture in order to ease the transition from milk to other feed before being fed normal pig feed.
Many different types of feed mixtures for slaughter pigs
Slaughter pigs are fed many different feeding stuffs. Also here, there are standards for which nutrients the feed must contain.
Varying feeding quantities for sows
Sows are fed in proportion to their production cycle, and young sows need more feed than adult pigs. In general, the sows should neither be too thin nor too fat in order to achieve the most optimum production. During the period of gestation, the sows use energy and nutrients to develop the foetuses and also when they suckle in order to produce milk for the suckling pigs. They are therefore fed a feed with a carefully matched composition.
In addition to the feed, the animals must also have constant access to fresh water.

The breeding is the reason for producing healthy pigs that grow quickly and well, have many young pigs and have a good meat quality.
Read more about Genetics
Types of production
Annual statistics, animal welfare, quality assurance, sustainability and much more.
Read more about Types of production
Danish pig production has its own quality programme consisting of two parts: The DANISH Product Standard and the DANISH Transport Standard.
Read more about Control