Producing pigs is one of Denmark’s key farming businesses, accounting for nearly 30 per cent of the country’s total agricultural value and 25 per cent of its food exports. Danish pork and bacon products are exported to over 140 countries around the world.
There are currently around 3,125 farms keeping pigs in Denmark. The number of farms has declined significantly over the years, but total pig production has risen as the size of individual pig farming enterprises continues to increase, and farming efficiencies have improved. Danish pig farmers are among the most efficient in the world, producing on average around 33 piglets per sow per annum.
Co-operative farming has a long history in Denmark. The first Danish pig farmers’ co-operative, where the farmers owned the abattoir receiving their pigs, was established in Horsens in Jutland in 1887 and remains the model for the Danish pig industry today. Just one pig farming co-operatives, Danish Crown remains.
The Danish pig industry has a longstanding trading relationship with Britain and the first recorded shipment of Danish Bacon took place in 1847. Danish Bacon was one of the first food products to be advertised on commercial television, which was launched in the 1950s, and subsequently became one of Britain’s iconic food brands.
A brief history of the Danish bacon trade with the British market can be found at this link.
Today Denmark supplies around 20 per cent of all the pork and bacon consumed in Britain and for more information on companies selling and marketing Danish meat products in the British market, click on these links:
Danish Crown:
Direct Table Foods:
Pro-Pak Foods:
Tican Chilled:
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Primary production
Read about; animal welfare, food safety, traceability, quality, climate & environment, and hygiene & disease prevention.
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Read about the different control aspects in the abattoir.
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