Since the end of the 1800s the co-operative movement has influenced Danish agriculture with a sense of community in all activities in the value chain – from farm to table. Even today, the pig producers are co-owners of the entire value chain which ensures a focus on quality through the entire production chain from pig house to abattoir.
The production of pigs and pork has been an important asset for Denmark for over 125 years, both when it comes to the occupation and the export. Approx. 90 per cent of Danish pork is exported and is therefore important to the country's trade balance and economy. The Danish pig production is among the world’s leading when it comes to breeding, quality, food safety and trackability which is a significant reason for Denmark being among the world’s biggest exporters of pork.
The farmers are co-owners of the entire value chain
The co-operative movement, which is rooted in the structures and values of the peasant society at the end of the 1800s, is a contributing cause for the success of Danish agriculture. The farmers are co-owners of the entire value chain. The principle of co-operation is deeply rooted in a cultural and social heritage and there is a sense of community in all activities of the value chain, from farm to table.
The pig producers are both interested in and understand what happens after they have delivered their pigs to the abattoir. They not only focus on producing as many pigs as possible but also on the pigs being uniform and of the highest quality, just as required by customers worldwide. In addition, the producers have a clear understanding of food safety and trackability and therefore also know how to live up to their part of the responsibility.

All pigs are marked with a five-digit supplier number on their hind part before being sent to the abattoir.
Read more about ID-number
Information about the food chain
Under European legislation all pig producers who send pigs for slaughtering must provide information about the pigs.
Read more about Information about the food chain