All pigs are marked with a five-digit supplier number on their hind part before being sent to the abattoir. This way, the abattoir can always trace the pig back to the population of origin. During the slaughtering process, a gambrel ID is added to obtain an even better trackability.
The abattoirs only accept pigs directly from the pig producers. Before the delivery from the producer, all pigs are marked with a five-digit number on each ham in accordance with the EU rules (Council Directive 92/102/EEC). The number is passed on to the abattoir and will identify origin and suppler to the abattoir. Sows and hogs are also provided with a yellow earmark of approval.
At the abattoir, a gambrel ID is registered
During the slaughtering process and at the latest at the weighing-in of the carcass after slaughtering, the five-digit supplier number is entered into the computerised payment system of the abattoir. Moreover, an automatic linking between the five-digit supplier number and the gambrel ID of the carcass is made. Both numbers are saved and linked to each other in a computer.
All slaughtering data that are later generated in the slaughtering line (weight, meat percentage, the occurrence of coloured hair follicles, veterinary notes, payment for the delivered pig to the supplier etc.) are linked to the pig's gambrel ID.
The result of the ID number:
- All slaughtered pigs can be traced.
- Pigs received for slaughter are provided with either a numbered earmark of approval or a unique five-digit supplier ID on both hams.
- At the abattoir, the ham number is linked to a unique gambrel ID.
- All data about each individual carcass are linked to the gambrel ID number and are entered into the slaughtering database on an ongoing basis.

The Danish model
Since the end of the 1800s the co-operative movement has influenced Danish agriculture with a sense of community in all activities in the value chain.
Read more about The Danish model
Information about the food chain
Under European legislation all pig producers who send pigs for slaughtering must provide information about the pigs.
Read more about Information about the food chain