Get a statistical overview of the Danish pig industry. The data presented in the charts covers the years 2012 to date.
The following section provides a statistical overview of the Danish pig industry. The data presented in the charts covers the years 2012 to date in order to give some insights into the key developments in the industry in recent years.
See the key facts and figures in German and Swedish
1. Danish pig farming
As in most other major pig producing countries, the number of individual farms producing pigs in Denmark has declined sharply in recent years, as more modern and larger farms account for a much larger share of overall production.

2. Danish pig numbers

3. Danish pig production

4. Danish pig slaugtherings

5. Danish pig carcase weights

6.1 Danish live pig exports

6.2 Danish pig meat exports

6.3 Danish live pig and pig meat exports

7. Danish pig prices
The prices shown are based on the standard weekly price quotation, including year end bonus but excluding other quality related payments (weight or lean meat percentage).

8. Productivity in Danish pig production