DAFC Chairman elected Copa Vice-President
COPA, the European voice of farmers, has elected Søren Søndergaard as one of the six Vice-Presidents of the organisation.
The new President is Massimiliano Giansanti (Confagricoltura, Italy) who presented his priorities following his election in September:
“My aim is to ensure that COPA’s voice is heard loud and clear, and that European institutions recognise the strategic importance of agriculture for our shared future. My presidency will focus on five key priorities: a strong CAP with an adequate budget, a fairer food chain, a coherent trade policy, a new approach to the Green Deal and a strong emphasis on innovation. These priorities all have a common goal: to strengthen the income, competitiveness and attractiveness of our agriculture.”
The other five Vice-Presidents are Nikolaus Berlakovich (LKÖ, Austria), Franck Sander (FNSEA, France), Pedro Barato (ASAJA Spain), Jan Doležal (AKCR, Czech Republic) and Francie Gorman (IFA Ireland).
Søren Søndergaard, Chairman of the Danish Agriculture & Food Council, runs a farm in Baldershave between Vejle and Billund in the western part of Jutland where he keeps 1,100 sows and farms 900 hectares of land with grain, rapeseed, grass seed and a beef cattle production that grazes natural area. The farm dates back five generations. Earlier this year, he was instrumental in securing a tripartite agreement, which marks a watershed moment for Denmark's climate endeavours and natural heritage and has set the course for Danish agriculture and food production for years to come.
Of his recent appointment, Søren Søndergaard says: “The next two years will be pivotal for European agriculture. Copa is where the structure of CAP will be determined and Denmark, which will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union next year, will take on a key role. Denmark has, as is well known, also strengthened its involvement in European matters by appointing a Minister for European Affairs.
“I’m therefore delighted that the Danish Agriculture & Food Council will be close to crucial developments over the next two years. I believe this will be of great value to Danish farmers.”
Copa (the Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations) represents over 22 million European farmers with the aim of promoting the best interests of the agricultural sector among the EU institutions and other relevant stakeholders.