The Danish Agriculture and Food Council
Representing the farming and food industry of Denmark.
Landbrug & Fødevarer, known as the Danish Agriculture & Food Council (DAFC), is a trade organisation that represents the farming and food industry of Denmark. This includes farmers, food businesses and allied organisations, as well as trade associations.
Agriculture and food is Denmark’s largest competence cluster, employing some 186,000 people and exporting agricultural products, food and equipment to an annual value of around € 20 billion.
The Danish Agriculture & Food Council:
- Promotes the political influence of the agricultural and food sector
- Offers a comprehensive range of cost-effective services for its members
- Implements research and development programmes within food safety and veterinary issues, animal health and productivity, animal welfare, environment and energy.
The Danish Agriculture & Food Council handles the professional interests of its members, including:
- Overall industrial policy and regulatory framework
- Research and innovation policy
- Trade and market policy and the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
- Animal welfare
- Food safety
- Environmental and energy policies
Our Vision
Increase in population, food demand and climate change has created an immense challenge. If we are going to be able to feed the world’s growing population while solving the climate challenges, there is a need for innovative solutions and new technology.
In 2050, there will be approximately 10 billion people worldwide, and the demand for both animal and vegetable food products will heavily increase. The Danish food industry sets vision of net zero emissions by 2050. This means we cannot emit more greenhouse gases, than we absorb. In a close partnership with the rest of Denmark and in agreement with the UN’s sustainable development goals, we will show the world, an economic and sustainable way to a climate neutral food production.
Read more about Our Vision
For more information on the DAFC in Denmark, including its organisation and membership, visit this link.
Statistical information on Denmark’s farming and food industry is available in an annual publication ‘Facts and Figures – Danish Agriculture and Food’. Click here to download the 2023 report.