Genetically modified organisms, the so-called GMOs, are living organisms that by means of genetic engineering have been added a new gene. It is legal to sell, grow and buy GMO food and feed in Denmark and in the EU. However, each single instance must be approved and the product must be clearly labelled as containing GMOs.

Genetic engineering is a technology that can be used to transfer genetic characteristics from one living organism to another. The genetic characteristics, the genes, sit like pearls on a sting on the DNA molecule that forms the chromosomes. All living organisms contain genes and DNA. With genetic engineering you transfer one specific gene from one organism to another.

The genes are drawings for the production of proteins. You can therefore say that through genetic engineering, you move the template for the picture of a certain protein from one organism to another just as if the drawing for the manufacture of a certain nut is moved from one engineering workshop to another.

What does the law say about GMOs?
Genetically modified food must be clearly labelled for the consumers to be able to deselect the products. This applies in case of living GMOs (e.g. a tomato) or a product that is produced by a GMO (e.g. ketchup which is made from genetically modified tomatoes).

Genetically modified organisms or products that are made from these cannot be marketed in the EU unless you have been granted marketing permission in each single case. The decision to impose marketing permission is based on a very thorough risk assessment performed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and marketing permission can only be granted if it is found that it does not involve any health risk to humans or animals or the environment.

Read more about GMOs:
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration